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Everytime I have thyroid tests done, my TSH #is high. I am seeing a functional med dr because I wake up during the night and then I start sweating, I don't wake up because I'm sweating I wake up and then I start sweating. She put me on progesterone (50 mg...

I had a complete hysterectomy at 24 and thus have entered menopause. I am now 33 and having all kinds of crazy symptoms. My doctor has me on Estradial and I have been on it since my hysterectomy. In the last year, I would say that the symptoms including ...

about fourteen years ago i had a complete hysrectomy and was on either premarin or estratest...i quit taking hormones about 8 years ago...since then i have had severe derpession and anxiety vaginal dryness,no intrest in sex recently(i think that could be c...

Hey, I'm a 60 year old women who is on Armour thyroid, and I am menopasal, I had a estradiol test, I believe it was 30 but should be 90 if I'm remembering right. Should I have a Progesterin test also? I read that Estriol is a good estrogene suppliment to ...

I've been on Estradiol pessaries for 12 weeks to help with dryness but they are not working What else can I use as it's affecting my sex life with my new partner as I think he thinks he's not pleasuring me and that's not the case. Sex also hurts if we ...

About 8 months ago I noticed burning in my v. Gyn said it's bv take antibiotics it will go away. While taking the antibiotics for the bv I noticed the skin on the front and sides of my thighs were burnig. For 8 months now I have been suffering from bv. Som...

I had a hysterectomy Dec.2010 due to fibroids and heavy bleeding. I am 48 years old and sadly, didn't research things as much as I should have. Due to the economy, my husband had to take a job out of state and I work full-time and also raise my developme...

I have BAD positional vertigo I'm taking esrtadiol 2mg daily IS THE VERTIGO GOING TO BE WORSE OR BETTER?

Do you know of a substitute pessary for Vagifem or Ortho-Gynest as these seem to be discontinued locally. Thanks

Which are better? I'm on injecctions, 1ml of progesterone a day, and 0.2 estradiol every 3rd day. But I've seen many web pages that say the jelly is better...vaginal suppositories? That they provide a higher pregnancy rate. is this true?

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